Who is FSR?

My goal is always to be working towards bettering myself and ever expanding my knowledge. Each day I am building my skills in becoming a full stack developer.

After starting my own business and working for myself, I have decided to take time to dive into this new found passion I have of software engineering.

Being a father of two, and taking the self-taught path is exciting. Not only because of the flexibilty, but also working towards something that will better the lives of my whole family is so rewarding.

I hope along this journey I am able to learn new skills that will make the world a little better, more fun and easier for those who need it!

This website is a portfolio of my growing work collection and I hope you enjoy browsing! I chose Full Stack Raven as a persona of sorts to motivate me during my journey.

FSR Pixel-art AboutFSR Pixel-art About

"Not how long,
but how well you have lived
is the main thing.”

— Seneca